What is the Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund?

The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund was established to provide support and resources to officers and family members of the law enforcement community when tragedy strikes. The organization will, without restriction, provide assistance by all manners and means to law enforcement personnel, as well as the immediate family members who have suffered loss as a result of violence, injury, or any other calamity.

The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation and donations are tax deductible. To learn more about out how you can help, please visit www.leorf.org or email [email protected].

The Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation and donations are tax deductible.

Thank you greatly for your support of this important cause.

Join our golf classic for good cause

A Message from L.E.O.R.F.

A Message from L.E.O.R.F.

The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund would like to thank you for your support. We put together the Golf Classic every year to benefit the officers and their families we help through LEORF. This year’s event will take place at Plantation Golf and Country Club in Vanice, Florida.

LEORF was created to assist Law Enforcement Officers and their families when faced with tragedy. It can sometimes take weeks to put together the necessary paperwork to collect the benefits officers and their families have earned and deserve. The Law Enforcement Officers Relief Fund is there immediately to support our Public Safety Officers in their greatest time of need.

Swing Strong, Serve Strong: LEORF Golf Classic



Be a part of the golf tournament classic this year. You won’t want to miss it!